When it’s Time to Make Those Tough Decisions

Featured ImageHave you ever had so much on your plate, so much to do and so much you want to do, that you’re overwhelmed to the point of paralysis?

I never thought that would be me, but there it is—the explanation for why I’ve practically dropped off the face of the earth … or at least the digital version of the earth.

I’m a writer and a content marketer. I have tons of tips, tricks, advice and experience when it comes to cranking out manuscripts, articles, and being generally productive and prolific. So imagine my surprise when I realized that I’ve fallen victim to that dreaded Bitten-Off-More-Than-I-Can-Chew syndrome!

But that’s exactly what I’ve done. My career as a freelance writer, my career as a fiction writer, my volunteer work with my son’s local hockey organization, my volunteer position with Coffee Time Romance and More … somewhere in the process of trying to build my career, I’ve taken on so much that it’s actually had the opposite effect. My career has stalled. I now cower at the prospect of having to write another blog post, check my Twitter, update my Facebook page. I shut my eyes, burrow under the blankets, and succumb to a state of inactivity and reruns of Big Bang Theory.

It’s time for a change. Over the last week or so, I’ve taken a good hard look at everything I’ve accomplished, everything I haven’t accomplished, and everything I want to accomplish. And I’ve come to the decision that …

I gotta quit some stuff!

Sad Goodbye to Coffee Time Romance and More

It is with a heavy heart that I recently resigned from my position as a book reviewer for Coffee Time Romance and More. I’ve enjoyed my time with this wonderful group of readers immensely, and I’m going to miss the friendship and community spirit I’ve experienced there for more than a year.

Originally, I joined CTR as a motivator to keep blogging. I figured that, if I was reviewing books on a regular basis and being held accountable for delivering reviews on a schedule, I would end up having book reviews to post on my own blog. It was a good idea, and panned out based on the original purpose. But what I didn’t anticipate was how much time I would spend reading … at the expense of my writing.

After much debate, I’ve decided that being a member of CTR is no longer right for me, but I wish this fabulous site and all its wonderful members much success and happiness long into the future.

Trimming Back on Freelance Writing

As a freelance writer, you want to have a large client base, right? A varied portfolio and a robust platform. It’s what I’ve aspired to. And now that I’ve achieved just that, I’ve realized that it’s what is holding me back from furthering my writing career.

Some of my client relationships span as much as five years. I’ve enjoyed working with them, but unfortunately I haven’t always enjoyed the subject matter. Because my focus is my books, I’ve decided to part ways on good terms with several of my freelance writing clients, and to keep only two key clients. It’s these two publications that I truly enjoy writing for, and I can’t imagine giving them up.

Happily, I’ve left things on a good note. My career as a freelance content writer is there to pick up again, should I have the time and the drive in the future. I hope that I do.

Focusing on Writing

I feel lighter already! And now that I’ve refocused my efforts, I’m excited with how my two works in progress are coming along.

First, there is A Noble Treason, which is the second book in the Douglas Clan series. The manuscript has gone through the developmental editing stage with my editor, the lovely Jenni Hendricks of Boroughs Publishing, and I’m awaiting the verdict on the copy edit. I’m very excited. For those of you who have read A Noble Deception, I can’t wait for you all to meet Dougall and Eleanor properly.

Also, I am about three scenes from completing The Ghosts of Tullybrae House. I am very excited about this one. It marks a slight departure for me from the traditional historical romance novels that I’ve written in the past. Tullybrae is a manuscript which has been delayed significantly by my recent state of overwhelm … ness? ishness? Whatever the noun is. Had I focussed better on it, it would have been done and released by now. But there is no point dwelling on what has not happened, so I’m pleased to announce that it should be ready for release within a month.

Final Thoughts

Everyone, at some point or another in their career, is going to hit the wall I’ve hit. It’s a daunting wall, and sometimes you can’t imagine how you’re going to climb over it. You might even be tempted like I did to lay down at the base of it, curl up into the fetal position, cover your ears and hum dementedly to yourself. And if you do that, it’s okay. I’m not going to stand here and tell you “This is how you pick yourself up.” Everyone comes back to writing on their own terms and in their own time. What I will say is this: Do what you’ve got to do. Take the time you need. And here’s to you finding your way back.

I think I’ve found mine.


12 thoughts on “When it’s Time to Make Those Tough Decisions

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  1. Such sage wisdom here, Veronica. Thank you for being an example for all of us who on too much on at once.

    And, you’re right. When I do this to myself it’s always my writing that suffers the most. I think the way you’ve said good bye, and reprioritized, shows class.

    I’m glad you shared.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Thoughtful, honest and courageous post.
    It’s very wise to know when to pull out of the ‘One Too Many’ , rather than crash and burn.
    All the best for the future.

    Liked by 1 person

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